It was a real pleasure to spend a morning traveling around Plano as a volunteer photographer for Christ Church Plano. A couple of times per year a hundred plus members will take off in different directions to help the community.
I was able to get shots at a teen emergency shelter where about 16 helpers were doing a great job of getting the lawn and flower beds in shape. It reminded me of my days in the landscape business in East Texas. I left the teen shelter and headed over to a
retirement center where there was ton of action. Volunteers were cleaning rooms, moving beds,
rearranging furniture, hanging curtain rods, you name it. I'm not sure if the residents were more excited about getting some handy work done or just having a new friend to visit with.
I wrapped up the day with a visit to a pregnancy crisis center, food pantry, and a fun senior center to get some shots of the bingo winners.
It was really a blessing to see all the volunteers chipping in, I hope my images somehow show how appreciative the community was and how the workers had a great time. Maybe it will get others to jump in next time.
Once I have a chance I'll post a few of the images.