Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August DDPA Award

I was fortunate again to present a piece of my work at the Dallas Professional Photographers Association this Tuesday evening.
Jon Christopher Davis, who you may have seen in the August issue, had me take some shots for his record label. This image was entered in the commercial category and received a blue ribbon.
I don't know if it was because it was a nice shot or because Jon is such a handsome dude :lol:
Here is the image!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Dustin Perkins & JCD @ Love and War in Texas

Thursday night I needed a night out just to relax. A cold Shiner and some Texas music, it just does not get any better!
Jon Christopher Davis was playing at Love and War in Texas in Plano. Jon does more to support up and coming artist then anyone I've ever met.
To no surprise Jon had a great new talent join him up on stage. Justin played a few of his songs, a couple of covers and then Jon jumped up and played bass. Watch out for this kid as he is amazing. A great guitar player and a fabulous vocalist, a real talent!

If you'd like to see a few more images you can find them on my website.

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Fly Fishing

Well since photography is not as much a hobby as it is work I had to find something else to east the stress.

Of course I have to take the camera with me!

I've always wanted to learn to fly fish, just something about being in a river in a beautiful landscape takes me back to my days in scouting.

The publisher of Frisco Style Magazine and I along with some friends and Billy (an incredible artist and designer) take a day off after the issue has been sent off to the printer. We will usually leave early in the morning and head north to Broken Bow Oklahoma. Beavers Bend State Park has an incredible trout stocking program.

We've been twice now and I don't know if I enjoy catching the fish or taking shots of such amazing landscapes.

Well give me a shout and come along with us on the next trip!

August - Photo Tip - Using Fill Flash

When do I use flash – Only when it is dark or when I am outdoors?

How about both!

One of the biggest mistakes I see amateur photographers make is not using flash. Sure everyone uses flash indoors or when it is dark but what I’m talking about is using flash outside in bright sunny conditions.

First let me say it is very important to review your owner’s manual and see how you can control the flash and not let the camera make the decision on when to use flash and when not to use flash. Today’s camera’s use a technology known as TTL or “through-the-lens” to determine when and how much flash is used. The built in light meter will not only turn on the flash but also decide how much flash is needed. Pull your owners manual and read on how to turn on your flash even when it is bright outside.

You will see most “pros” will not have the sun at their back when this seems to be what everyone is told to do. What you will see is these photographers will position the subject so the sun is not on the face of the subject. The reason for this is you want the person to not have that “squinty” look. Now once you’ve got the person in the shade or the sun is backlighting them you can now use your flash to properly expose the subject.

Take some time and practice using your flash outdoors. You will find much better pictures and much happier subjects.

The next tip we will start talking about the next question I get asked, how do I make the backgrounds blurry in my pictures.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to shoot me an email!